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COVID-19: What You Should Know

We understand that people in our community are naturally concerned about the continued presence of COVID-19. UF Health St. Johnshas navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic together and we remain vigilant about ensuring the safety of our staff and patients. Even though more and more people in our area are receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, UF Health St. Johns is following the CDC's guidance and still requires patients and visitors to wear a mask and practice social distancing at all locations.
Please be advised that the UF Health St. Johnsdaily dashboard will be paused after today’s distribution. However, we are committed to transparency and will begin re-issuing the daily dashboard if and when our total number of admitted patients with COVID reaches 50.

Visitation and Mask Policy (updated 6.28.22)

As we navigate this current phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, please note the following adjustments to our masking and visitation protocols at Flagler Health+:

Effective Tuesday, June 28, patients and visitors will no longer be required to wear masks at UF Health St. Johnsfacilities. This change applies to all UF Health St. Johnscampuses: hospital, health villages, and other free-standing locations. Visitors who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms should not enter the hospital unless they are seeking medical treatment and should wear a mask. Guests who are visiting hospitalized patients who are diagnosed with COVID should also wear a mask.

In keeping with CDC guidelines and CMS requirements, all UF Health St. Johnsemployees will continue to follow current masking protocols while at work.

Information for Employers

To support area businesses as they return to full operations, UF Health St. Johnsand our national technology partner, Healthfully, are now offering a COVID-19 Employer Solution. The solution helps employers, employees and customers feel confident that organizations are taking the risks related to COVID-19 seriously, limit exposures, provide real-time feedback, track status, deploy contact tracing, increase access and utilize testing in the most effective way possible.